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Sharks are an essential part of ocean eco-systems and the Animal Justice Party (AJP) advocates complete protection for them; from both culling and harvesting.

We also call for a ban on the importation of all shark products.

Key Objectives

  1. To ban the importation of all shark parts including fins through amending the Customs (Prohibited Imports) Regulations 1956 (Cth) for imports (Import Regulations).
  2. To give total protection to sharks in Australian waters.
  3. To create school-level programs that teach the significance and importance of sharks.
  4. To create school-level programs that teach safe behaviour around sharks.
  5. To invest in non-lethal deterrence in beaches.
  6. To expand research into shark populations and movements.
  7. To educate people on the mercury risks associated with shark consumption where applicable.

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