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Animal Policy (Captive)

Greyhound Racing

The Animal Justice Party (AJP) is opposed to greyhound racing and the use of animals for ‘sport’ and entertainment. The greyhound racing industry is inherently cruel and dangerous and cannot be regulated...

Planet Policy | Animal Policy (Captive)

Animal Agriculture

The Animal Justice Party (AJP) is opposed to the exploitation of animals through farming and slaughter for meat, dairy, eggs, fibre, fur and other products. The animal agriculture industry is immensely harmful...

Animal Policy (Captive) | Animal Policy (Wild) | Animal Policy (Domestic)

Animal Definition

The Animal Justice Party (AJP) recognises the complexity and extent of the non-human animal world, and values and respects all animal forms. Humans are animals too, but the focus here is on...

Animal Policy (Captive)

Animal Experimentation

The Animal Justice Party (AJP) will seek to rapidly phase out animal experimentation throughout Australia because it is cruel, outdated and ineffective. We must urgently stop funding animal experimentation and transition towards...

Animal Policy (Captive)

Animals In Entertainment

Formidable animal welfare challenges exist around Australia with regard to the unnatural use of animals in commercially-operated entertainment enterprises. These enterprises include: performing animal circuses; rodeos; horse and greyhound racing; jumps racing;...

Animal Policy (Captive)


Animal aquaculture causes enormous suffering to animals. It is also responsible for environmental problems and the harming of wild species such as whales, dolphins, seals, birds and other aquatic animals. The Animal...

Animal Policy (Captive) | Animal Policy (Wild)


The Animal Justice Party opposes the production and use of animal fur. This includes both the import into and export from Australia of fur from purpose-built fur farms, as a by-product of...

Animal Policy (Captive)

Horse Racing, Jumps, Harness

The Animal Justice Party (AJP) is opposed to horse racing and the abuse of animals for “sport” and entertainment. Key Objectives As the industry cannot be regulated, rather than push for an integrity...

Animal Policy (Captive)

Live Animal Export

The Animal Justice Party (AJP) opposes the commercial export, whether by sea or air, of live animals; this includes, but is not limited to, cows, sheep, buffaloes, camels, alpacas, goats, horses, and...

Animal Policy (Captive)


The Animal Justice Party (AJP) is opposed to rodeos and the use of animals for sport or entertainment (see our Animals in Entertainment Policy). Specifically, we do not believe that rodeos can be safely...

Animal Policy (Captive)


The Animal Justice Party (AJP) supports the ongoing evolution of zoos and aquariums to function in the service of animals, rather than supporting the traditional model where animals are kept for public...